mixing weed and alcohol

What Happens When You Mix Alcohol and Cannabis?

420 Culture

Cannabis and alcohol are two of the most widely-used drugs in the United States and around the globe. Some people stick to one or the other exclusively, but there’s a large demographic that likes to indulge in both weed and booze at the same time.

Some people consume the two together to feel less anxiety in social functions, whereas others enjoy the tingly euphoric bliss. Individually, cannabis and alcohol have their own distinct effects. Combining them has a significant impact, both physically and mentally. Here are three things you might experience if you decide to take combine cannabis and your favorite alcoholic beverage.

Sedative Effects of Marijuana and Alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant and slows down your central nervous system, also known as a “downer.” This is different from weed, where some strains can spur energy, excitement, and even anxiety. Other marijuana strains with THC and CBD can produce a sedative effect. Furthermore, THC is known to stimulate the secretion of melatonin, a neurotransmitter that makes individuals feel drowsy and fall asleep. Mixed with alcohol, these effects become stronger.

Dizziness and Vertigo

Here’s one reason to avoid mixing weed and liquor: Many adults are familiar with “the spins,” which is a well-known side effect of the overindulgence. Too much of two good things can results in nausea and upset stomach even though THC and CBD contain anti-nausea properties.

Cannabis and alcohol are two of the most widely-used drugs in the United States and around the globe. Some people stick to one or the other exclusively, but there’s a large demographic that likes to indulge in both weed and booze at the same time.

Some people consume the two together to feel less anxiety in social functions, wheras others enjoy the tingly euphoric bliss. Individually, cannabis and alcohol have their own distinct effects. Combining them has a significant impact, both physically and mentally. Here are three things you might experience if you decide to take combine cannabis and your favorite alcoholic beverage.

Impacted Absorption Rate

Cannabis impacts how fast your body absorbs liquor. It’s a complex substance that can change the way you digestive system functions. Specifically, weed slows the transportation of food and drink through the intestines – including alcohol. This means alcohol will be released into the bloodstream over a prolonged period of time. This means you may become intoxicated more slowly and not notice the effects immediately.

Alcohol is a depressant and slows down your central nervous system, also known as a “downer.” This is different from weed, where some strains can spur energy, excitement, and even anxiety. Other marijuana strains with THC and CBD can produce a sedative effect. Furthermore, THC is known to stimulate the secretion of melatonin, a neurotransmitter that makes individuals feel drowsy and fall asleep. Mixed with alcohol, these effects become stronger.